
Friday, March 22, 2019

The Albinos of Tanzania

 The Albinos of Tanzania 

Fighting for a future

by R. J. Reilly Shelhart

I've just watched a YouTube video about the horrendous atrocities that have been committed for many generations, and are still being committed, against the albino population of Tanzania. Tears and outrage, that's my first reaction.  It's going to take a while to fully process the story I've just seen. I highly recommend this documentary. These resilient, beautiful, amazing children will give you so many reasons to smile. Take a minute to stop and smell the roses, as they say. We all need to appreciate how fragile and precious every life really is.

The title of the video that I watched is:

Born Too White: What It's Like To Have Albinism in Tanzania | Albino Documentary | Documental

WARNING: Contains graphic descriptions of violence. This topic is unsettling, and unsuitable for younger or sensitive individuals. The information presented here is based on that video and other sources. The opinions, conclusions, and religious beliefs are my own.

Albinism is a lack of the pigment called melanin. There is so much more to it. Melanin protects the skin against the ravages of the sun, especially UV rays, and plays an important role in the function of the retina, in the back of the eye.  The result is an exponentially higher risk of skin cancer and lifelong visual difficulties.  The eye has trouble focussing  under certain conditions and moves back and forth very rapidly to compensate.  They eyes, themselves will also be devoid of pigment, leaving them to appear pale blue, lavender, pink or red.  If the eyes do still have some pigment, they might be any usual eye color, but the color may change. The eyes are very sensitive to light and can be damaged, just like the skin. [**, ***]

There is quite a high rate of babies born with Albinism in Tanzania, as compared to other countries in the world.  Even 2 parents with dark skin can have a child with albinism, if both parents carry the recessive gene and pass it on. And, of course, if 2 people with Albinism have children, all of their children will be albino.  If only one parent has the gene, they can pass it on to their children, making them a carrier. In a country with a a predominately dark skinned population, albino children soon realize that they are different, feeling especially so if they are the only albino in their own family group. [*, **]

Sadly, anyone who manifests the condition can be targeted for violence, because of long held superstitions. Witch doctors continue to perpetuate the fiction that the bodies of people with albinism have magical properties. They say that this magic can be harvested from the body to make potions. They attempt to achieve this by violently removing parts of the body. This is not a willingly undertaken surgical procedure, but, instead takes the form of vicious and brutal attacks. The teeth, organs, sexual organs, tongue, and limbs are often the most sought after.  As expected, violently removing these body parts by force, usually with nothing more than a blunt machette, often leads to death.  Those that survive the ordeal, are left with devastating scars, disabilities and traumatic memories. [*]

Greedy witch doctors spread these superstitions to drum up business and make money. The people that pay them these huge sums of money are never caught and charged.  Some say that they are government officials. Witch doctors charge thousands upon thousands of dollars for their services and they pay a portion of their wages to the thugs that do the dirty work for them. These thugs are promised more money than they could earn in any other job. So, they become butchers for hire.  In some cases, the money is such an irresistible temptation, that a person's own family will sell them to these butchers. [*]

Another incredibly disturbing thought is this: The evil individuals that pay for these body parts and human remains to be obtained, have them prepared into potions by witch doctors. That's weird and disturbing in and of itself, but how the body parts are obtained is even more so. Often the limbs and organs are "harvested" by vivisection. In other words, the victim is still alive. There is no care given for the safety or comfort of the victim. Instead individuals are kidnapped, dragged into a secluded area, butchered and left to die. Even when the individual survives the initial attack, these brutal tactics often result in infection.

The body parts stolen during these attacks can be kept as a talisman of good luck, made into a poultice to be applied to the body, or consumed. You read that correctly, consumed! As if the torture & murder of vulnerable children wasn't enough, the perpetrators add cannibalism to the list of horrible things they do in the name of superstition.  It makes me sick to think of it.

This video was SO hard to watch. These people, even including small children, are being targeted, mutilated, vivisected, murdered, and in some cases eaten, just because they're pale skinned in a community where most people are not.  It's the most bizarre form of racism I've ever heard of. It's like the Jeffery Dahmer of ignorant bigotry.  I can't stop shaking my head; I just can't wrap my mind around this kind of lunacy.

One bright spot in all of this unimaginable tragedy, is that the Tanzanian government is waking up and taking action. Slowly, changes are being made to protect people suffering from albinism, especially the children. There are a few fortified locations in Tanzania where albino children can go in extreme cases, if they live in an immediately dangerous area.  Most, never go home again.  There is little to do, and conditions are poor. The children spend all day in relative isolation, with almost no contact with the outside world and no mental stimulation. There is nothing to do, nothing to play with, and precious little to break up the monotony of the days. And, although the situation is not ideal, most decide that it's a better alternative to risking attacks, infection, mutilation and death.  Hopefully, in the future, the conditions will be improved, so that the safe havens will be better stocked and more geared towards the developmental needs of the children.

Thankfully, there is aid available, including skin clinics such as the ones supported by an organization called Standing Voice, based in Tanzania, but headquartered in the U.K. [ ]  They help to combat the scourge of skin cancer among the albino population by education, medical checkups and treatment. There are also eye clinics, as well, where children can apply to get eye glasses to improve and preserve their vision.  So, there is SOME progress being made, but full safety and equality are still a long way off. [*]

The one drawback to this fledgling progress is that the trade of albino human body parts is now spilling over into the bordering nations, as the demand is still high.  Unfortunately, the number of cases of violence against albinos in Malawi has begun to rise, even as Tanzania's incidents have declined. [*]

I believe that Jesus can heal the wounded heart.  He can fortify the fractured soul that has been ill used and betrayed.  His love is the purest balm for the souls's deepest wounds. He can restore the trust and joy that was stolen from these children and fill their hearts with forgiveness and mercy for their attackers. That's the kind of power that Jesus has.

Jesus can even forgive and restore the most badly mangled soul, even that of the aggressor. (That does not mean that they should not still meet justice in this world. They absolutely should!)  In order for this redemption to happen, though they'd have to repent, ask God for forgiveness for what they've done and asked the Holy Spirit to live in their heart. (Acts 2:38, 26:18) ] ]

And if these criminals don't seek forgiveness for their sins and beg God's mercy, the devil will gladly welcome them to hell when they die. And, make no mistake, this won't be a punishment from God, but rather, the path they've chosen for themselves. When they choose to commit these atrocities, they push God's love away and ignore His laws. Those who reject God's free gift of forgiveness and choose not to reconcile with Him, will get exactly what they asked for: separation from God. (Revelation 21:8) ]

And whether the monsters who commit these crimes repent and turn from their ways or not, their evil power is temporary and will not last forever.  Just as God heard the blood of Abel crying out from the ground, he will see the tears of mothers in Tanzania, falling on the faces of their wounded children. Perhaps the children of the next generation can grow up with more wisdom, love and understanding than the present generation. Maybe they can rise up and end this heinous slaughter of innocents.

I pray that the truth of God's Word overcomes the witch doctors' lies.  I pray that power of Jesus's name stamps out the superstitions, once and for all. I pray for those who are committing these terrible acts of violence, that their eyes would be opened to the truth, peace and love of Jesus. And, I pray for the protection, healing and salvation of the albinos of Tanzania and Malawi.


Friday, April 24, 2015


Hello to all,

I have a Chiari 1 Malformation. What is THAT, you ask?! Well, it's kind of a long story, but it has a happy ending. In 2010, I suffered a random head injury, (my own stupid fault) which made the condition exponentially worse. The pain was unbearable and required surgery.  I had a lot of memory and processing issues as a result, which have, thankfully, resolved.  It took 2 years to recover, which is fairly quick in neurological terms.  I still have some pain, occasionally, and I have near constant migraine activity (future blog topic!)  I have considerable trouble exercising, due to the residual Chiari malformation.  Anytime my blood pressure is increased significantly, pain immediately blossoms at the base of my skull, and sometimes brings me literally to my knees. Though I have seen a HUGE improvement in my overall health, since the surgery, this is one little gremlin that  just can't see to shake. I can't complain, though; God is with me.  I am never alone, even in my pain.  Happily, I can comfortably walk without head pain and am exploring alternative methods of weight management to add to my repertoire.  (...future blog topic!)

There are two other annoying little misfits that I can't seen to shake.  These are a couple neurological functions which have taken their sweet time catching up. Time and math remain my two banes!  I'd wager that those 2 functions are connected somehow, possibly being processed in a similar area of the brain.  My brain has difficulty judging what time it is, or how much time has passed. At 9:00 in the morning, it may feel like 10:00 at night to me.  I'm never hungry when I should be.  I wake up at 2AM, exhausted, but feeling strongly that it's time to get up, even though it's still dark out.  This is a constant issue.  Also, math is a challenge for me.  I was never the world's greatest mathematician, but now...  Well, let's just say, I'm exceedingly grateful for the multi-function calculator on my phone!  I use it every day.   All I can do is my best, try to improve where I can, and ask for help when I need it.  I suppose that's all any of us can do.  

Surprisingly, in some cosmic attempt to make up for my numerical deficits, God has seen fit to grace me with a miraculous overflow of words!  I've always had an affinity for writing, especially my school assignments, but this is different.  In school, I wrote short stories and essays, and even made a children's book, complete with illustrations.  I happily took the opportunity to write papers (some 25 pages long) as an assignment, whenever they were offered as a substitute to public speaking.  I hated public speaking!  In my free time, I would occasionally write a poem, maybe as a gift for someone's birthday, etc.  My main passion was drawing, disney-style cartoons, mostly.  As a teenager, I made custom greeting cards, which my sister sold to her friends at college. (all of the designs on the cards that I sold were original.  No copyright/trademark infringement was perpetrated.) I had written less than 10 poems during my entire life before the accident (not counting the 'birthday gift' poems.)  I had never written a song in my life.  In the last 5 years, since 2010, I've written about 15-20 poems and well over 80 songs!  To me this is nothing short of a miracle!  (The Many Miracles I've Witnessed: future blog topic!)  The Lord taketh away, and he giveth...and giveth...and giveth some more!

My writing is often compulsive in nature.  It often wakes out of a sound sleep at night, and I can not relax until I've written down whatever words are looping in my brain.  As soon as I write them down, they disappear from my mental 'to do list.'  On rare, scary mornings, I wake exhausted, to find pieces of paper on my bureau, covered with my barely legible handwriting.  Sometimes my notebook is laid open, to reveal line after line, sometimes whole pages of writing, or multiple completed songs, that I have no memory of committing to the page.  Thankfully these morning, as I said, are rare.  When I first wake up, seems to be the optimal time for the madness to begin.  I often write for a few minutes before I do anything else, sometimes before I even get out of bed.  Strangely, I often write after taking a shower.  I think it's possible that the noise of the running water, cancels out the clamor of the world and creates an environment free of distractions. That's my theory, anyway.  Some of my favorite songs have been born of water.  Most of my songs could be categorized as gospel, christian contemporary, or country in style.  I have a few rock and roll numbers thrown in there for good measure.  I don't ever try to force a certain kind of style into my songs.  My ideas are simply born of their own accord, each with it's own style.  Then, I have the pleasure of taking the rough idea, and crafting it into a song that makes sense.  But, quite often the ideas come with already fully formed verses or chorus, which make it all the way to the final draft.  I don't know how other people write, but this has been my lyrical journey, so far.

I'm not sure where this road leads, and at times it's been a rocky one. But, I know this, if God has given me this gift, then He has a purpose for it, and for me.  So, I'm will to walk where He tells me to walk, and write down the words that He would have me write down.  I'm not crazy about some of His methods...  I'm not a big fan of being woken up at 2AM by an unrelenting barrage of words!  However, If that's what the Lord God, Creator of the universe, wants me to do, then that's what I'll do.  Who am I to tell the King of kings that I don't like His management style? Besides, after all He's done for me... creating this fantastic world, loving me despite my faults, sending Jesus to die for my sins, sending the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort me, and preparing a place in Heaven for me, and a way to get there...  I kind of owe it to God to do my best to accommodate His quirky management style, even if that means it inconveniences me.

Well, since I just noticed that it's 4:00 in the afternoon, and I've not had any lunch yet, I should probably wrap this up!  Thank you for reading this far; I hope that you have been blessed in some way.  I welcome comments and blog topic requests!

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Friday, December 12, 2014


Hi to all,

I know that some of you ladies will be receiving jewelry for Christmas, and I thought it might be good to give you some tips on keeping your jewelry looking beautiful.  ( that it can keep YOU looking beautiful!)  And, if your special someone needs any last minute Christmas gift ideas for you, direct him to my Etsy Shop 


If you have fine jewelry (14k-24k gold, sterling silver, platinum, etc.) with diamonds, or no precious stones in them at all, then, they can go into the jewelry cleaner with a very mild solution.  Diamonds are as tough as, well diamonds, and can take a beating.  Other stones, however, are very temperamental and don't like heat, chemicals, or the vibrations of a jewelry cleaner. Certain stones can even change color when exposed to heat or chemicals.  When you buy something new, you can always ask the jeweler if there are any special care instructions.

Clean any beaded jewelry items with a clean, soft jewelry cloth, or a VERY SOFT clean dry toothbrush (one that is not used on your teeth!)  Do not brush your beaded jewelry with any coarse or hard brush, as this may damage the finish. With pearls, you should just only use a soft jewelry cloth.  A brush might damage the pearl's finish.  I don't recommend commercial silver polishes; over time they only cause more tarnish, corrosion and damage.

For sticky spills (coffee, soda, etc.,) quickly rinse with cool water and dry immediately with a clean dry cloth. If the stickiness remains, you could try a putting a drop of lemon oil into a small cup of water. (Do NOT soak jewelry in cup!) Dip a soft washcloth in the water and gently wipe the jewelry.  Dry off excess with a paper towel. Allow to air dry completely before storing.  For a gummy, stuck on mess, try a drop of vegetable oil on a paper towel, (and a wooden toothpick, if needed) to remove it.  Wipe off excess oil with a clean dry cloth.  Do not use anything abrasive, like a scouring pad or any kind of pumice to clean beaded jewelry.  This is especially important with any items made with pearls, as it will take the finish off completely.

Here's an especially juicy tip: If your item was a new gift of unknown origin or an heirloom item, you can take it to a friendly looking sales person or assistant in your favorite jewelry store. Visit the store when they aren't busy.  And, it's always a good idea to wear at least one piece of  jewelry that you've purchased at that store.  Mention it in conversation and tell them how much you love shopping there. Politely ask if they could clean, evaluate, or even appraise, the item you've brought with you.  Often, if you are a customer in good standing, they will professionally clean your item and even make minor repairs or adjustments, for little or no cost to you. At the very least, they can tell you about the stones, cut, quality, etc.  If it's an heirloom item, they may even be able to tell you little about where and when it might have been made.  Again, it helps to visit the store when it's not already crawling with customers.  The salesfolk will be more likely to help you, especially if they're bored and looking for something to do.  Be sure to thank whomever helped you and pick up a couple business cards to give to your friends.  Also, while you're waiting, pick out something nice for yourself and ask if you can make a wish list to put it on. When Christmas or your birthday gets closer, the store will send a note to your special someone, reminding them of your choices.  The store helps you, you help them, everybody wins!


Do NOT wear your jewelry while sleeping.  If the components are very delicate, they can become broken, bent or damaged.  Beaded jewelry can come apart and have you wake up in a bed full of beads.  Also, if the jewelry is especially strong and has NO give to it at all, wearing it while asleep is a really good way to accidentally stab or strangle yourself. It's not a warm fuzzy thought, I know, but it's the truth. STORE your jewelry when you're not wearing it.  It keeps it clean, and protects it (and you) from damage.

Store your diamonds separately, since they are the hardest stone of all.  They are hard enough to scratch any other kind of stone or metal in your jewelry box!  More fragile jewelry components like pearls and shells, can be easily damaged or even crushed if heavy things are stored on top of them. They rest nicely by themselves in a small drawer, in a cloth bag, in the boxes they came in, or hung up on a hook.  Also, certain stones may fracture if they bang against harder stones or surfaces.  Amazonite, Fluorite, Opal, Garnet, Sodalite and anything in the Quartz family, would fall into this category. They are best kept in a their own little jewelry box, cloth jewelry bag, or hung up.  I use the cloth bag that my ear buds came in for large pearl drop earrings. If you treat your beaded treasures well, they will bring you joy for years to come!  Check out Pinterest for some fabulous storage ideas!


Your beaded jewelry should never be submerged in any water or cleaning liquids, as this may weaken or corrode the wire and other metal components. Using harsh chemicals will weaken the wire, and could damage the natural stones, or dull the finish. Do not use jewelry cleaners or other mechanical devices to clean your beaded jewelry.

Do not wear your beaded jewelry while swimming, or in the shower.  Take your bracelets off when you cook or do the dishes.  Do not expose your beaded jewelry to direct heat sources, such as open flames, ovens, stovetops, the inside of microwaves, blow torches, or flame- throwers!  Doing so may alter the chemical composition of certain stones and change their color, and metallic components might weaken, break, melt, or weld together.  Keep your jewelry looking beautiful, and it will do the same for you!

I hope you found these tips helpful and entertaining. Don't forget to check out my Etsy shop, Rebecca's Jewelry Box!  You can cut and paste the link at the top of the page.  If you have any jewelry questions, feel free to ask!   Or if there's anything you'd like me to blog about, just say the word!

Be thankful, be generous, stay safe, choose to be positive, and have fun this Christmas season, and always!

Don't forget to visit my Etsy Shop!:
Or check out my Pinterest pages!